Character definition list

Currently investigating whether we can modify lst files to tell the client to load different characters. It does seem possible, but it is still very restrictive.

In mo_00_00_05.pp, the file "mo00_00_00_00.lst" determines which character will be loaded. It includes various arguments like the character xx file, limbs and flexibility, and some others that I'm not sure of.

The items of interest at the moment are the index and the character xx file. If you look at the index you'll find that they are in the same order that the characters appear on the client. What's interesting is that ch_01_01.xx, which by default is the "kandata boss" is repeated three times in indices 8, 9, and 10. This may give us some clues on why we are able to load three of them.

However if you've installed the expansion packs, you'll find that "11, 12, 13" are repeated twice. The first set is for the tentacle monster (sh_01_01.xx) and the second set is for uncle oak ("uk_01_01.xx"). Another interesting thing is that uncle oak isn't even in mo_00_00_00.pp - where all the other character files are. Instead, he is located in 37.pp, which is the expansion item. And it seems like the client only checks 37.pp because when I moved him to my own expansion item pp (38.pp) it just crashed.

So for starters, I added a new character (zombie) that's based on ch_01_01.xx. I packed him inside mo_00_00_00.pp and renamed him to ch_01_02.xx.

I then opened the lst file and edited the three entries to point to the zombie. And it worked. Wonderful.
However when I duplicated the 3 entries to 11/12/13, it failed miserably. Odd.

But the good news for now is that when you want to switch your monsters, all you have to do is apply a wizard ready lst file and you're ready to go!

I will be looking into this some more now that I have some clues.

1 comment:

  1. nice, good work :D

    can't wait till i get my hands on these monsters :P
