mdl2mqo converter

I wrote a short python script that converts mdl files to mqo files. It uses the mdl555.wsf script written by a modder on UV to decrypt the file and then I simply parse it into MQO format. Many of the Love Death 4 and Love Death 555 model files are stored in mdl format, which I don't know what to use to open.

The download file contains
  • - the python script that converts it from mdl to mqo. Meaning, you will need python.
  • LD555.wsf - the windows host script that decrypts the raw mdl file to something readable
  • MDLdecrypt.bat - windows batch file that makes your life easier
Simply extract all three files into the same folder and drop raw mdl files over it.
Here's the school map from LD4 (it's really detailed...)

Download here