Saga has really been replaced

Yes, this time I actually did replace Saga.

I spent a few hours on a macro script called QuickRename, which recursively iterate through the object tree and renames frames, but I wanted to confirm that my theory was correct (we just need to have the correct frame names, which means renaming all bones and frames)

Of course, it may not be ALL bones/frames, but at least the ones that matter (further investigation will be required, so I just assumed all).

QuickRename currently goes through every frame and renames any that start with "a01" to "s01"
This is the pattern that is used in yuusha to distinguish between female characters from male characters.

And result:

You will need to do the following if you want to load a female character in a male character's entry:

-Rename all frames in 01_00.xx and 01_01.xx from "a01..." to "s01..."
-Modify the neck frame in 01_00.plst and 01_01.plst from "a" to "s" to reflect the new skeleton structure
-modify limb.lst, hitArea.lst, and exp.lst so that all frames refer to the s01 version
-modify m00_00_00_00.lst to load the desired character (just copy the entry over to Saga's)
-modify m00_00_00_06.lst so that it will load the desired character's meshes, AND rename the frames to point to s01... (there are a couple at the end of the entry)
-modify m00_00_00_10.lst and 11.lst so that you will load your desired characters' xl files instead of Saga's

-make sure that s_hand.xa is in the PP.

Now you can load the girl character in Saga's entry. For yuusha digital only!
In total, it took me about 5 minutes to do it.

You can get a copy of the draft version of quickRename I wrote in the tools section. Note that for some reason it does not rename the first bone correctly. I have printed out the frame structure after renaming for you so that you can search which frames were not updated properly and then go and do it manually. From my tests, only one frame should be improperly named (this is a bug, not a performance issue).

Instructions: Open SB3U, load the xx (make sure it is the only xx open), then run QuickRename.


Here are some things to think about:

-Saga has a lot of disabled buttons. Is there a way to enable them through hex? Or is it done through the source code? The same applies for the monster characters.
-s_hand.xa and a_hand.xa are hardcoded into the client. We can see it in when we load it in a hex editor. Is it possible to simply normalize everything to use a_hand.xa? Then we can just set a standard that all bones and bone frames should be prefixed with a01

Unfortunately, I am not interested in the main game so I have not looked at it at all.
If you are interested in replacing Saga with a girl, you can start by replacing saga in yuushadigital. I have seen members on UV replace Saga with Kandata boss so it may not be too much of an issue.


  1. ehmmmm i'm having problems with this, the game still crashes when i try, i think that its because i dont know what to do in step 5. its to change the file mo00_00_00_06.lst because i cant find m00_00_00_06.lst. its that the cause that the game crashes? its the file mo00_00_00_06.lst or where is the m00_00_00_06.lst? if its the mo00_00_00_06.lst can you be a little clearer or how to change it, i just cant understand how to do so if its this one.

    1. ooohhh forget it, notepad screw the align of the file so everything was messed up, as soon as i opened with notepad++ everything was water clear. thanks for the guide ^^
