Working with a full nude body

Re-visiting the issue I had with my jacket mod, it seems like my approach was wrong.

The better way to deal with this is to construct a full skeleton, and then use for bone copying.

The process is pretty simple. A set of nude bodies for the "clothed" version has already been made (check the release thread), so all we have to do is to take those meshes and put the skeleton together in one mesh.

The idea is not to create a full body out a single mesh, but to have the entire skeleton available. We will be using this mesh for all replacing needs.

First go to the frame that contains the body mesh and you should notice it is separated into several parts. If you're not sure, you can click one of the meshes in the grid and delete it.

The easy way is to take all those vertices defined in the other meshes and combine them into the main body.

Simply click on one of the other meshes, "Edit mesh", copy all of the values to an external file, and close the window.

Now click on the body mesh and "Edit Mesh". Now, you will need to add all of the values you just copied to the end of this object. If you have 3000 rows to add, then you will need to add 3000 rows.

Easiest way I've found was to create 3000 dummy entries and then do a copy/paste.
You will need a macro script for this, which I may release (I put it together in a minute and wasn't planning on releasing it, so it's just an ugly piece of work)

After adding all of the rows, repeat for any other meshes that should go with the body (because you're interested in the bones and bone weights).

You should have a full body now!

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