Noesis XX exporter

This is a plugin for the Noesis 3D viewer.
If you don't know what it is, just google "noesis xentax" and you'll find some links.

It supports both importing from the xx format (all versions) and exporting to the xx format, though version 3 only. SB3U can deal with the version conversion.

All meshes are fully imported with a hardcoded frame structure.
Each mesh is created in its own frame under SCENE_ROOT (for consistency with the rest of Illusion's files)

Material light properties are currently hardcoded.

Automatically importing textures may be somewhat difficult, as dds files are not supported by SB3U (haven't tested dds files on the yuusha). Consequently, I try to convert everything to png wherever possible. It loads the textures based on the texture path specified by the imported model, and usually this will be the same directory as the model file.

It does not support bones, but that is planned.