Import items from other games

This post will describe the process for importing items from other games.

Importing items from other Illusion games is made fairly simple with SB3Utility. For the most part it is a matter of copying all of the meshes, textures, and materials to a new file and save it in yuusha format.

Setting up placeholder items

A placeholder item is simply an empty xx file that can be quickly filled. They are useful to have when copying items from one xx to another.
  1. Go to Yuusha data folder and look for mo_00_00_37.pp
  2. Copy the file to your work folder
  3. Extract the file using PPextractor, then create a copy of one of the items and rename that as "placeholder01.xx"
  4. Re-pack the folder and then open it in SB3Utility
  5. Go to the new xx, load it in the editor
  6. Expand allroot and delete SCENE_ROOT
  7. Delete all textures and materials
  8. Save the file in MIK trial format
  9. Extract the pp again
  10. Make multiple copies of the placeholder file
  11. Re-pack the folder
You now have several placeholder items ready to be used.

Importing the items

Now you can copy a new item over.
  1. Open the pp file containing the item that you want
  2. Load the item's xx file into the editor (I will refer to this as "otherItem")
  3. File --> new workspace
  4. Drag the three objects you see in the object tree into the workspace
  5. Load one of your placeholder files
  6. Click add/replace to dump the data into the file
Converting it to MIK Trial

This step is extremely important. When you are done with the file and are ready to save, look at the "Source" and "destination" formats. It will say "Yuusha Retail". For digital yuusha you must save it as "Yuuha MIK Trial", so change the destination format.

Using your item

The client by default looks for a certain set of items (item_00_15 through item_00_61). This means that you won't be able to use your item until you tell the game that you want to use it.
  1. Decide which item you wish to replace. For instance, you can replace the dragon at item_00_61.xx
  2. Remove the dragon xx file from the pp
  3. Rename your filled placeholder file to the dragon's filename
  4. Save as MIK trial format
  5. Move the pp file to the data folder 
When you start the client, you should be able to select Dragon and see your custom item.

That is the basics of importing items from other games.

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