Wizard ready item definition lists

Have a lot of item definition lists and want an easy way to switch them quickly? You may consider creating some wizard ready packages

You will need the following tools:
  • 7zip (because it's free)
  • Illusion wizzard 0.4.7
Suppose we are using the default files, so mo_00_00_37.pp contains all of the expansion items as well as the item definition list.
  1. Create an item definition list
  2. Create a folder where your files will be located (I call it "home folder")
  3. Inside the folder, create a text file with the name "[DigitalYuusha][ItemDefList][somefilename]. This is the documentation.
  4. Now create a folder called "YUUSHA"
  5. Inside "YUUSHA", create a folder called "mo_00_00_37"
  6. Inside "mo_00_00_37" place your digi_item.lst file there
  7. Now go back to the home folder and select the txt file and the Yuusha folder and create a 7z archive with the same name as your documentation file.
Once the archive is created it is wizard ready.

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