Quick XX 0.2 has been released

It is much better than v0.1, so get the new one!

This package of macro tools will allow you to automate all of the "add textures", "copy material", "assign texture to material", and "add frames" processes. The first release will simply be separate scripts that you run one by one. Future releases will feature one GUI with all the functions combined. And possibly some user-friendly elements. Maybe.

With this, now it is POSSIBLE (yes, because adding 200 materials is simply impossible by human standards) to import maps from other games that use hundreds of materials and textures for a single map (ie: love death series, polygon lover 2, etc.)

If it takes me 5 minutes to import maps from AG2, then it is much more tolerable.

EDIT: But that was with v0.1. With 0.2, I added the same house in about 2 minutes =)

Prepare to get some new map sets in the near future.
You can get Quick XX here.

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