Removing that blob of light

In a brief joint effort with enimaroah from hongfire, we looked into why the blob of light appears on your custom maps. And in the end, a solution to remove that light was found.

If you're not interested in the history behind it, you can just skip straight to the bottom.

The issue began when map modding started. The simplest way to import maps was to basically copy all of the meshes, textures, and materials from other illusion games over and dump it in the xx file with the appropriate filename. At that time, I didn't know much about lst files, so I simply replaced existing files with new content. But then I discovered lst files and proceeded to re-map them instead.

And whenever I went into the poser, an annoying blob of light would appear. Like really, a round circle of light, of varying color depending the map, just appeared out of nowhere and would remain there for the duration of the time that the client is open. It would even appear in screenshots!

I then gave up on it and moved on to different projects like clothing mods, but then enimaroah mentioned that he may have found a solution to the light blob. So I tried it, but it didn't work.

This led to a series of test cases that followed for the next 5-6 posts over a span of 50 minutes and eventually came to the conclusion that the map is loading something that other maps don't like.

And finally, after testing different values in the map definition list I came to the conclusion that it was the ptcl file that's causing the light blob to show.

So the solution to to removing the light blob is to simply go into mo00_00_00_08.lst in 05.pp and set any ".pctl" entries to 0.

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